Cycle 60    

Sat: 9:00am

This 60 minute performance ride may include climbs, sprints, HIIT, jumps. Both your stamina and endurance will be challenged in this class.  Ride profile and music will depend on the instructor of the class.

Instuctors: Joshua Segal and John Groezinger

Cycle 45

Mon: 5:30am & 6:30pm

Wed: 9:30am & 5:30am

Fri: 5:30am  


In this 45 minute class you will work to the beat of the music.  Expect to challenge both upper and lower body in this crazy, cross-training ride.  This will include both upper body and performance elements all. This class brings purpose to a party on the bike.

Instructors: Schwei, John Groezinger, and Jen Wright

Cycle Strength

Thu: 9:30am

Sat: 7:30am

Sun: 8:30am


30 minutes of indoor cycling which may include; hills, sprints, jumps, tabata. Ride profiles will vary.  The cycle class will be immediately followed by 30 minutes of strength training.  Each workout will vary depending on the ride profile of the day and we will use a variety of equipment.  Kettlebells, Med balls, TRX, etc.  It's truly an awesome total body workout. Burn between 500-1000 calories depending on the ride profile.

Instructors: Angela Moccia,  Tiffany and Josh Segal


Zen Cycle

Wed: 6:30pm

Zen Cycle is the perfect Yin and Yang.  This class is co-taught by one of our cycle and yoga instructors.  You will experience 30 minutes of indoor cycling which may include; hills, sprints, jumps, tabata. Ride profiles will vary.  The cycle class will be immediately followed by 30 minutes of  Vinyasa Yoga. Vinyasa is a flowing, dynamic yoga practice that cultivates presence by connecting movement with breath.  This practice will build strength, aid balance and weight loss, while reducing stress and increasing vitality.

Instructors: Dawn Swenson, Tiffany Segal, and Lauren Drahos

Boot Camp

Tues/Thurs: 5:45am

Tue: 9:30am 

This is not your stereotypical Boot Camp class.  We incorporate all of the major muscle groups, as well, muscles you never knew you had.  You will get an hour of efficient, quality, functional movements that will enhance not only the "trouble areas" but also nourish your spine, revitalize your postural muscles and strengthen your core with every movement.  You will leave class feeling as if you have been challenged in every way; feeling refreshed and re-energized as your metabolism speeds up and your posture, strength, and flexibility all improve.

Instructor: Angela Moccia, Tiffany and Josh Segal